Don’t ask me if I’m against …

Ask me what I’m for

I’m for Trusting God.
I’m for women and I’m for life.
I’m for knowing that my identity in Christ is even more unique than my opinion, my sexual identity, my personality or my fashion choices.
I’m for successful marriages that are founded in God’s Word.
I’m for the hope found in a child’s smile.
I’m for the power of the human body to heal itself.
I’m for choosing God’s ways above my own.
I’m for choosing joy in the midst of sorrow.
I’m for finding grace in the midst of suffering.
I’m for transformation in the Love of Christ.
I’m for training a child with solid goals, sure direction, steadfast patience and unconditional love.
I’m for following those who are fruitful in the things I want to be fruitful in.
I’m for minimalism and frequently de-cluttering my home, my mind and my heart.
I’m for keeping my home clean with good habits that make it easier than living in chaos and cleaning it once in a while.
I’m for perseverance, believing I’m fighting the good fight when it feels as though I’m only failing.

Stop focusing on what you’re against.

What are you for? There’s more clarity there.


Now read this

Seeing the Globalization of Darkness

I don’t know if we are meant to comprehend global violence. When everything appears as darkness, we can’t really visualize, let alone understand the violence. It’s like trying to understand what appears to be thousands of... Continue →