April Brown

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No one should be called “anti-woman” or “anti-choice” for being “pro-life.”

How strange is that. THINK!

But we CAN say that the euphemism “pro-choice,” when referring to abortion, is absolutely “pro-death,” i.e. pro-murder, (no quotation marks because it’s just a completely accurate synonym/description/label for abortion). Stop kidding yourselves people. Go hold a newborn baby in your own arms (no matter how or who it was conceived by) and see if you can start preaching about your “absolute bodily autonomy.”

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Writing a sign of devolution

Who agrees with this: A spoken word is greater than a written word. So, is writing really a sign of an advanced people? Maybe writing is a sign of devolution? Just a thought. We need words, but if we were really as advanced as we think we are, would we still “need” writing over memorization and oral tradition? Those with memory problems end up having to resort to writing everything down. Those with an “evolved” mind and memory would not write things down, would they? Another example: those with a healthier/advanced/disciplined memory would probably have integrity with their spoken words and would not need a written signed contract to make a deal… a handshake and their “word” would be their bond. What do you think? When you learn a new language, do you have to practice the writing part to learn to speak the new language? I don’t know since I’ve never learned another...

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When there’s a cancer vaccine…

Early Morning Controversial Statement: One day, when there’s some vaccine for cancer or some surefire controlled drug to cure or keep people from dying from it, long after people forget how terrible cancer was, some conspiracy fear mongers without sources or real randomized controlled studies to back their claims up are gonna make everyone believe the cancer vaccine is the cause of a new mystery disease and many people will believe they’re doing the right thing to avoid the “evil big pharma money making cancer vaccine.”

When cancer cases start to rise again, they’ll say “for me, the ‘proven risks’ of vaccination outweigh the benefits.”

Why go to the doctor at all? It seems like people who don’t trust the doctor about vaccinations will still go to the doctor when they get sick and take antibiotics, which are truly in question these days and there are legitimate studies to back up...

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I bought a Chromebook yesterday. The Acer C720 which was the one for $179. I love it. Specifically I love it because it is the perfect computer for a minimalist. When I say minimalist, you might think of a few different things. I think every minimalist is actually their own unique thing. My flavor of minimalism is the following:

  • own only what is useful, beautiful or meaningful to me/my family
  • buy the best quality for the best price (good things don’t have to be outrageously expensive)
  • use multi-purpose utensils, furniture, clothing, etc. (I wish more people would create lists of these type of things that they have found)
  • when you buy/get something new, you have to let go of something
  • get as close to nature as you can with all you use/buy/consume, but don’t think you have to get rid of all technology to be a minimalist

I think an important part of minimalism...

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Romans 8:11-14

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as he raised Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living within you. So, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you keep on following it, you will perish. But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.

Choosing the attitude and actions of Christ is not choosing to make yourself holy and righteous and loving. It is choosing to believe that He and His Spirit can take over and transform you into His likeness by His power, not yours. It’s a daily surrender, not a daily striving. A daily letting go. Not a daily pulling up the bootstraps.

It is true, sometimes (most of the time...

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Not used to blank pages.
What do I work off of?
Used to pictures and updates and opportunities to share other people’s words and experiences.

How do I get back to imagination from this vast ocean of stimulation and information?
Responding and reacting to every blog, update, headline shared.
What do I have to respond to inside myself?
What do I have to share without needing an outside starting point?

Have I lost the difference between my truth and the piles of subtle knowledge and ideas that fill my mind?

Dig through and clean out
the fillers and extras
Find genuine experience
Authentic Lived In Time

Step away from the trash you thought was a part of you.

Breathe in Your Simplified Rich and Beautiful Life.

Be Thankful for Your Story.
Thank The Author of the unknown moments yet to flow over your conscious awakening.

Share Your Life.

Never fear the blank page before you again.

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Why write?

Why should I write? One time I was told to write because there might be just one person who would be changed by my thoughts and the way I write.

So, I’m writing for the one.

But I’ll be honest. Sometimes I’ll be the one.

This is for me.

And for you.

For God for unloading for inspiring for cleansing for creating for loving for arguing for expounding and grounding me…or the one.

Meditation of the day: When you take a walk. When you notice your favorite flower. Can you see it smiling? Can you smell its fragrance and feel its beauty emanating from within?

Does it smile and send its beauty your way because you walked by?

Or does it smile whether anyone will ever walk by?

Before its bloom has opened beyond its time and fallen apart making way for new life to fall, sprout, grow, and blossom, does it smile just for the sake of smiling?

Do we live just for the sake of...

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