Why identity politics and white nationalism is silly and does not resonate with most people

Here is a mish mash of thoughts and responses on this topic of what is the “alt-right” that I had to publish before I get lazy and do not.

What i have come to understand is that if you’re going to call something the “original alt-right” it is the troll culture of the pro-white movement, which is the pushback against the anti-white anti-male politically correct culture on the left. The “alt-right trolls” put out crazy memes and tweets and content simply created to push the buttons of the media and the social justice warriors and create a firestorm of controversy ON PURPOSE. And they promote pro-European heritage pride or whatever. It’s like I said, the identity politics of the right. So, Milo and others who have been recently associated with the “alt-right” movement is similar, but not with a pro-white message but an overall anti-PC message and a pro-America message. The mistake these white-identity politic people make is believing that the great ideas of Americanism (The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, etc.) are only white ideas….That’s like calling Christianity Jewish ideas. America is the ideas of a few great men. And yes, it was born out of a group of mostly white men, but that doesn’t mean the ideas belong to white identity. White identity is a shallow false trait to hold up as a reason for intelligence or enlightenment. So many historical cultures in the past have produced, by great INDIVIDUALS associated with those cultures, amazing additions to the enlightenment of all human beings. So, the original alt-right, is just a bunch of provocateurs in the name of European pride (roll my eyes)….and it doesn’t resonate as much as the American pride movement that has arisen alongside and in greater numbers on the right.

I had this epiphany all of a sudden about the sentence that believing Americanism is a bunch of white ideas is like calling Christianity a bunch of Jewish ideas. It’s just not true. The great idea of America, just as the great idea of Christianity, is from a few unique individuals. They were perhaps born out of the ideas of European culture, but what culture was “European culture” born out of? And keep going back to cultures before cultures and who really gets the credit for America? In my opinion, it is individuals that get the credit, not entire cultures or entire races of people. Or in the case of Christianity, it was born out of Jewish culture and the Jewish religion, yes, but if Christianity was due to a bunch of Jewish people and all Jewish people can claim the credit to its existence, then why did so many reject it? And why did 12 disciples have to watch their leader die if it wasn’t a unique individuals idea?

Also, in this day and age, most of us can agree that none of us are of “pure blood.” What is that anyway? How many cultures have our individual genetic make ups been born out of? I can maybe guess at my racial heritage….Irish, Native American, Jewish (all claims by my grandparents who haven’t shown me clear proof unless I wasn’t paying attention when they showed it to me when I was young.) Anyway, what a mixture! And imagine how most of us are a mixture. What the heck is European culture? Just study the history of Britain and you will know, there is probably not much purity in the blood of that particular racial heritage. All of history shows you how mixed we are from the beginning. So, can I claim credit for the history and culture of every “race” I’m related to? Of course not! I’m an individual with my own seeds to sow which have almost probably zero to do with whatever my ancestors did.

As much as you can in the climate of our particular American culture, try to get out of the foggy identity politic mind that binds you to the past so you can be your unique self that changes the world despite what your hopefully many descendants will try to claim credit for when it is YOU who would have changed the world, not them.


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