Sexual Identity does not determine who you marry

I was born a heterosexual female. In my experience, this means I was born a silly girl unable to control my attractions to many silly boys over my young life from kindergarten until I was 27. Then, one day, I met someone named Justin Brown​. I did not feel the same thing as that puppy love “uncontrollable” attraction I felt in my youth with everyone else I genuinely thought I “loved” (even believing with all my heart I loved those guys with an unconditional Christian love…(truth is: I didn’t)). I did feel attraction, just not something I would call “uncontrollable” or something I was “born with”. This person seemed worth an investment of a love beyond just my sex/attraction/emotions/needs/wants/etc.. So, I got married. Now I choose every day to be a “Justin-sexual,” if you will. #badjoke Here is my point: If I based my identity and lifestyle choices on being a heterosexual female only and not on something greater like Christian Love/God’s Clear Moral Standard for me, I don’t think marriage would work out for me, personally. But that’s just how I view the difference between my personal experience with sexual attractions and the morality of God’s Plan for me that I try to live by. I know this doesn’t address all the facets of sexual identity leading to marriage…. but I feel like it makes a point not a lot of people are even considering.


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When there’s a cancer vaccine…

Early Morning Controversial Statement: One day, when there’s some vaccine for cancer or some surefire controlled drug to cure or keep people from dying from it, long after people forget how terrible cancer was, some conspiracy fear... Continue →